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In Conversation with Yasmine Jaber

What is Yoni Steaming ?

Thank you for giving me the space to share this. 

Pelvic Steaming is a gentle, non-invasive - ancient practice - that can support a woman in all the stages of her life; throughout menstruation, as birth preparation, postpartum healing and through menopause and post-menopause. It is a powerful tool for energetic clearing and healing of the womb and the entire nervous system.  The practice is an extension of herbalism – it involves sitting on top of hot water with herbs and enjoying the steam as it touches the inner thighs, the pelvis and moves through the internal organs instantly soothing the womb and the entire body.  

Other names for pelvic steaming include : Yoni steaming, Womb steaming , V steams, vaginal steams, chai-yok, bajo's, or تهبيلة.

What happens in a typical Yoni Steaming circle?

Think of a warm and intimate room, women coming together to relax, unwind, and release tension after a long day. The circle typically opens with meditation and a few grounding exercises and then moves into a collective steam that I guide gently into the portal of womb. Throughout the steaming I like to be in service to ensure a smooth and comfortable journey. The music in the background is soft and soothing, sometimes the room is filled with chants sometimes laughter sometimes tears, it depends on the energy of the group and each time is completely different. After the steaming its time lay down on the floor mat and take the time to enjoy the soft release and rest. At the end of the circle I usually give time for those who would like to share their experience, comment, or simply listen to others over snacks and tea.  

Who can practice yoni steaming?

Anyone! Whether you have challenges with your menstrual cycle such as period pain, infertility, fibroids, missing periods or extremely long periods, infections or whether you just simply desire to experience the creativity of your womb or release any stored trauma or emotions, this practice is for you!

How did you get into this practice?

I originally discovered steaming as I was searching for different ways to address my period pain, little did I know I would get myself into a practice that I will fall in-love with. After practicing for a few years my period became much healthier, less painful, and my creativity was over the top. I decided to do the training to become a certified pelvic steam practitioner with the peri-steam hydrotherapy institute because I really wanted to share this practice with many women here in Lebanon and help them overcome imbalances in the womb in a non-invasive way. 

Your sun sign: Aquarius 

Your personal mantra: I surrender to the creation of my divine expression.  

Your favourite place to relax: My Home !

What is your morning ritual? Currently as I am pregnant it is swaying my hips to the sound of birds, preparing a hot cacao with rosemary and grape molasses and waking up my body slowly through movement and stretching 

What are your other ways of staying grounded on the daily? Chanting or voice tuning – just letting out sound.  

To join the in-person steam circles in Lebanon – join the whatsApp group here

To work with Yasmine Jabeer 1:1 -

To access her online course on menstrual cycle awareness: 

Find out more on her website: | Instagram : @flowermoon_womb

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